I've been taking a trip down memory lane recently, and you know what I realized? It's been two years. Two years of fear and masks and derision and covid.

I was just settling in when covid hit.
Starting college had been tough; the fall semester was full of tears and sleepless nights… and, well, more tears. The transition to college life was one I greatly underestimated, and all of the changes sent me reeling.
When I came back to campus for the spring semester, I was determined: This semester would be different... Better.
Well, it was certainly different… but the better was a little harder to find.
We went virtual. I hated it. I felt like I had to be “on alert” all the time, hyperaware of my facial expressions and how I looked and if I was muted or not. My mom and I had simultaneous Zoom meetings going all day, which was… interesting to say the least.
Nothing like trying to take an exam while curriculum meetings are going on in the background. And your dad is blasting music while hammering the new window frames into place.
Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that? Our house—one hundred years old and in constant repair—was in the middle of a two-year living/dinning room renovation.
That spring was the hardest season of my young life. I felt like I was being torn apart; loneliness filled me with ache that I couldn’t heal. Depression whispered its ugly lies in my ear and each day was a mental battle.

But, covid lockdown was also a blessing. Through my pain, I grew closer to God, my mental health improved, and that loneliness ache was healed… by Him.
Friends, He yearns to comfort us... if we let Him (Matt 11:28-30).
And remember how much I hated remote classes? Well now I love them. In fact, I like being remote so much, that I'm doing it for my career!
So covid wasn’t all bad. It was, and is still, different. Nevertheless, like I hoped, different has become better.
Freshman Maddie wouldn’t believe the covid-induced growth that senior, entrepreneur Maddie has undergone.
Reminiscing has made me realize that the past few years have been better than I could’ve imagined.
And it's all thanks to our Lord. Forever and always, to God be the glory.