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Cherish: A Single Story

Once upon a time, there was a girl, who met a boy. Their story felt like a fairytale, complete with sweet sayings and a handsome prince. They clicked instantly, agreed that God had drawn them together. The girl felt beautiful, cherished, seen, in a way that she never had before. It was amazing. Until he went away.

At first she was sure he would come back, but days turned into weeks. Her heart hurt; tears flowed endlessly. She was trying to understand, couldn't understand. Why would God allow such pain?!

She didn't know what to do with her heartache. So she went on a desperate hunt to replace her guy, to feel happy and beautiful and wanted again. It didn't work, and she hurt even worse.

The girl knew she needed to change, had felt her Abba calling to her. Exhausted from striving and searching, she finally collapsed into the arms of her Father. Even though her heart still hurt immensely, now she was sheltered under His wings, now she could heal and grow.

And that's when God worked. He revealed a truth that the girl has spent years running from: she idolized romance, was desperate for a relationship-- that's where she thought her worth lied.

See, before she met that boy, she'd met another, and another, and another (all in a matter of weeks, thanks to online dating). When she finally met this guy, she thought her search for fulfillment was finally complete, because she felt complete. Cherished. Loved. But of course, she was wrong.

None of the boys completed her...

because she didn't have to be completed-- she already was.

In her heartache, the Lord spoke a great Truth into her heart:

The girl did not need a guy because she had God. No person would ever fulfill or complete her because Jesus already had. She had already been made whole, through the blood of the One True Prince.

And it took pain to learn all of this. The girl had to meet the boy, for God had made a plan, a plan to bring maturation and renewal out of heartache and hardship. God used the guy to reveal how loved the girl really was-- not by him, but by Him. With the boy, the girl felt so special, so priceless, and she realized that what she was experiencing was just a smidgen of the love that Christ has for her.

Once she realized this, once He convicted her of this, the girl knew she would never be the same; head knowledge became heart knowledge, and she knew she was loved. Loved by the greatest, most infinite, Creator God. No matter what, she was loved by her Abba, and He would never leave.

Meeting the boy changed the girl's life, but it wasn't how she expected. God had guided them together, and in doing so, she discovered the greatest Love she will ever know. A pain so deep fueled a growth so great, and she couldn't help but praise Him.

That's why she painted this flower girl (complete with real dried flowers!), this piece called Cherish. To thank her Savior for His great love, and to remind herself how priceless she is.

She knew she'd forget, so she painted and praised and proclaimed the Truth of His great love. His great love for her. And now, she is typing away, to remind everyone else who has forgotten-- or who don't yet know...

Friends, you are eternally and unconditionally loved by the Creator of all things. God made you because He delights in you, because He yearns to be in a relationship with you. He didn't have to make you, didn't have to make any of us or anything; but He chose to, because He wants to share His love and life with you.

You are His cherished child, His priceless masterpiece, and you are never too far gone. You can always return to His arms, for He will never stop pursuing, romancing, redeeming, and loving you. You are His. God cherishes you, friends; may you believe and receive and rest in the arms of the Almighty.

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