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Free Bird

As I am heading back to Messiah tomorrow, I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared. My first semester had a lot of hardships and pain. But God got me through, and I have hope that this next semester will be better.

One of the main challenges I had this fall revolves around my own thoughts. I tend to be a worrier, and the transition to college skyrocketed my anxiety. But through that time of panic, the Lord planted the seeds for something that will be a lifelong journey of mine (and probably for most people): He used my time of greatest anxiety to reveal how messed up my thought life is. When I would panic after getting a new assignment, constantly fear deadlines, and stay awake at night trying to "fix myself," God showed me how harmful it was for me. I was living in chains, living in perfectionism and fear and OCD. And lies.

Wow, how I was living in lies from Satan, telling me to trust my fear over my Father.

As I am beginning to renew my mind with God's truth and trust, He has set my imagination on fire with the image of a bird. A free bird, breaking away from the cages and chains of fear and lies.

He pointed me to Ephesians 1:18, "may He enlighten the eyes of your heart and mind, so that you will know the hope that He has called you to," and Roman's 8:1, "there is no condemnation for those who are made new and complete through Christ Jesus our Lord." These became my foundation for the renewal of my mind, enlightening my mind with His truth. And so, this bird is my fourth version, made out of dried flowers (inspired by Matt. 6-- we are not to worry because He takes care of the birds and flowers of the field). As God guides me through another semester at Messiah, and guides you wherever He wills, I pray that He reminds us of these truths:

1. The lies we are believing chain us to condemnation and fear

2. We need God to renew our minds and enlighten us with His truth and peace

3.He will ALWAYS take care of us, so we need to trust in Him and give our fears to Him

4. God has made us to be free, and under His wings, He will teach us to soar!


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