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Hope from Our "Holy Healer"

Hello friends! In light of the trials our world is facing, I wanted to remind you all (and myself) of the hope our Heavenly Father has promised us. Please take heart as you read my writing from a few years ago:

"Holy Healer"

There is a holy book, a Holy Bible. His Holy Word. Holy is His Name.

His Name is Jesus.

King Jesus, our Savior, our Healer, our Redeemer.

Nothing I ever say will encapsulate Him.

He is too great, too awesome, too mighty, too glorious.

Who is God?

The Great I AM (1).

Only in Him may we truly know who we are.

Only in Him may we find true, boundless, everlasting freedom.

Only in Him may we find true, eternal, miraculous, otherworldly healing.

Only in Him, in His arms, are we home.

Take heart, in the Holy Healer.

"He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and armor, [the sword of the SPIRIT!]" (2).

We are healing

safely in His wings, knowing His truth,

His truth that sets us free (3)

and we press on,

fighting the good fight of faith (4).

Because Jesus never said running this race was going to be easy (5),

but He did promise that He will stay (6).

He "will go before you and make the rough places smooth;

[He] will shatter the doors of bronze [that are hindering you]

and cut through their iron bars [that are blocking you from Him]" (7).

All because He loves us, He will stay.

May the Holy One heal,

provide refuge, reveal His truths,

nourish and strengthen

as you continue on His race.

Because we are His empowered witnesses (8),

His lights (9).

And at the end of our race,

we will meet our Holy Healer, and we will be home.


1: Exodus 3:14

2: Psalms 91:4

3: John 8:32

4: 1 Timothy 6:12

5: John 16:33

6: Matt. 28:20

7: Isaiah 45:2

8: Acts 1:8

9: Matthew 5:14-16

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Becoming Beloved

Hi friends! I wanted to share an article I wrote a few weeks ago. I hope God encourages you through it!


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