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Potters and Birthday Parties

I'm gonna be honest - this is not a new product. To be blunt, this week's been a little busy, as I'm celebrating my 24th birthday. So...

An oldie but a goodie!

What started as a tiny, little doodle in my sketchbook has become one of the most profound reminders for me (so much so, that I have it stuck on the very laptop I'm currently writing with).

You see, my 23rd year did not go as I expected it to. I'm not going to go into the details now (my next print certainly will though), but let's just say that I was sure 2024 was going to be the year I fell in love, got engaged, the whole shebang.

Instead, I'm single, with no relationship on the horizon, and still having a hard time paying my bills.


Really, I could end this post here.

Friends, you may not be able to tell over a screen, but I'm a completely different person than I was a year ago. The Lord has molded, shaped, and redeemed me in ways I could never have imagined, and still don't fully fathom. Through all of these struggles, all of the failed expectations and heartaches, I've been okay...

Because I'm not the Potter, but the clay (hey look; the most important statement of this post, and I accidentally made it rhyme!).

Guys, I don't know what your day, week, year has looked like, but I pray that this hits home:

If you have given your heart to Jesus, if you are seeking Him and pursuing a relationship with Him, then you are forgiven. You are remade. And you no longer have to fumble around trying to shoulder a burden you were never meant to carry.

You are not God. You are not in control. You can't fix all the problems in the world, or in your own life.


All you have to do is be willing, moldable, yielding to His perfect will. His plans are good, His purposes pure. He has everything under control because everything is in His hands. His good, gracious, merciful, nail-torn hands.

You, me, we are not the Potter... and that's the greatest gift around. Because the true Potter? Oh yeah, He's making us into masterpieces too marvelous for us to imagine.

My 23rd year has taught me that. And ya know what's the coolest part? I did fall in love, just like I wanted too...

With the King.

Who has filled me with more love than a guy ever could. Who, somehow, always provides the money I need to pay my bills. Who is the Maker, Molder, Healer, and Creator of my soul.

And of yours.


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