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Stay the Course

God can be pretty funny. You know how I know this? Because I design my products weeks, if not months, in advance of posting them. And I post them randomly, no pattern of print, sticker, cards, sticker, or something like that. Plus, the day I write about them (which is here, in this blog, btw), is about a week after I post them on my website.

And yet, all of this to be said, the design I created months ago, posted last week, and am writing about today…

Is comprised of a holy message that, in this very moment, I desperately need to hear.

The Lord never fails to make me laugh in utter amazement at His intentionality, His great compassion towards us.

Now, you may be wondering why this sticker’s stay the course phrase is hitting me so hard today…

When I originally created it, I took an itty-bitty canvas, glued a border of dried, white roses to it, and garnished the middle with stay the course, written ever-so-lightly in pencil. I’m not sure why I felt the need to write that ambiguous phrase (although I can think of some relational and mental challenges I was going through that certainly could’ve inspired it), but I knew that I had to. That those words completed my tiny creation.

And so, I put this cutesy canvas on my desk, where I could see it during the harrowing hours of novel formatting and scripture analyzing and video editing and product uploading and -  well, I think you get the idea. While I love the creating side of my life, the business side of things isn’t my favorite. I thought it would encourage me… and others… which is why I digi-fied (my term for creating a digital version of my art) and posted it.

But now I see why I needed those words, and why God had me randomly choose to upload this design when I did:

A few days ago, I unexpectedly lost my babysitting job. If you didn’t know this, babysitting is how I earn an income… because the starving artist stereotype is unfortunately very true. And while this job lost had nothing to do with my work – they decided they needed full-time daycare – that doesn’t mean I’m not reeling.

Because here’s the kicker…

I have a feeling that God isn’t going to provide another babysitting job for me. I’m still looking and applying, but yeah, I just don’t think it’s gonna happen.

If creating for His glory is my heavenly mission, then He’s vanquishing anything that’ll distract me from that goal. Which is terrifying. Because I make nothing from my books and artwork… and now, He’s calling me to surrender any stable (babysitting) income I could have. 

But friends, He’s told me – and you – to stay the course.

And beyond the words themselves, the flowers that border them point to Matthew 6 - if He provides for the birds and flowers, then of course He will care for us, His most prized masterpieces.

When we look at nature, at His creation, all around us, we can see how intricate and delicate and small everything is. From the mountains to the mice, everything is small compared to Him… including us.

Every breath we breathe reminds us that we are fleeting, wholly dependent on our Heavenly Sustainer.

And He is so much bigger, greater, mightier than whatever trials and tribulations come our way.

Sure, I may not have a stable income anymore, but I have a stable God. A God who has never failed, and never will. I need to stay the course, keep creating like He’s made me to do, and trust that He will give me all that I need…

In His way, and His time.

I encourage you to believe the same, dear friends. Whatever He is calling you to do, however daunting and uncertain it may seem, stay the course… and surrender to your Heavenly Sustainer.







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