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The Art of Being Still

Introducing a new product! Motivational Minis!

Friends, I’ve had this one on my heart for a while. Unlike my other art products, these don’t have one purpose. They are not just prints, or stickers with cute quotes, or encouraging cards. No, these minis are everything and something entirely new…

These are my quotes, my words—inspired by God, of course—that are interwoven with my also-God-inspired artwork.

This is the only product that combines both the written and visual sides of my creativity, which is probably why I’m particularly excited about it. Plus, some of these quotes—like this one, for instance—are derived from my current writing projects (Fear Fighting, in this case). It’s so cool that I can give you sneak peaks of my unpublished books!

Which brings us to the truest, most hopeful reason why I’m introducing these Motivational Minis:

I want to share what God’s teaching me. Since most of His lessons stem from the Scriptures I’m studying for Fear Fighting, it only makes sense that I reference this monumental manuscript-in-the-making.

In case you don’t know what Fear Fighting entails, I’m analyzing every time the dark, icky, bad fear (not the holy fear of the Lord) is mentioned in the Bible.

From those 397 occasions, I’m researching what God teaches us about fear and how to overcome its hold on us (and yes, I’m writing about each of those 397 times). From there, I’m taking those insights, combining them with modern coping strategies, and translating them into tangible practices we can implement today.

(Sounds complicated, I know. What can I say—God’s undertakings are rarely easy, but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth the effort.)

And so, I give you Be Still, the first of these minis…

The verse “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” is one of my favorite fear-fighting verses (Exodus 14:14). You know why?

Because the Israelites do nothing. Except stand.

Their God moves the pillar of cloud and makes a blockade so the Egyptians cannot get past. Their leader raises his staff, and the uncrossable sea is separated before their very eyes. He even returns the waters once the Israelites are through, drowning their enemies in one fell swoop (Exodus 14:19-31).

And though all this, all they do is stand there and watch.

Friends, we could learn a great deal from this. Whatever seems impossible, whatever earthly inadequacies exists… all that is nothing to our unstoppable God.

So, stop butting into God’s battles! He doesn’t need us to complicate things with our battle plans because His are more than sufficient, are guaranteed to prevail.

In fact, all God needs us to do is seek His still, small voice.

Trust that He will lead us through any and all battlefields.

And be still.


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