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Who's My Valentine?

I got this lovely e-card this morning from an even lovelier mentor of mine. It was exactly what I needed.

Let me back up a step.

I start the day with God, with Bible time.

Still laying in bed, in fact, I take the first fifteen-or-so minutes of my day and meditate on His word.

I love this practice; I can run into a problem, though. Once my mind gets awake enough to study the Word, it also gets coherent enough to speckle my thoughts with fear.

Mornings are hard for me, my OCD bombarding me like a machine gun. That's one of the reasons why I prioritize time with God literally as soon as I wake up-- I need His Word and Truth every minute of every day.

So I have my God time. Right now, I'm studying Acts alongside my church. I'm learning a lot and this practice helps me start my day with His peace that surpasses understanding (Phil 4:7).

Because naturally, my mind rarely feels peaceful.

As I end my Bible reading, I like to take a few moments to lay down and reflect. And let me tell you, this quiet time makes my fear worse.

My mind starts racing, wondering if I've interpreted Scripture wrong and what if the Bible is all wrong and none of its true and what if God isn't true then and what if-- you get the idea. My OCD can easily be triggered in this area, and I know it.

But I also know that denying those fearful thoughts takes their power away.

So I sit with them, mind racing yet trusting, because I know the Truth more than my over-active amygdala (the fear part of the brain) does.

It was during this fear-fighting moment that I got the card from my sweet friend.

The moment when my brain was riddled with its ever-taunting doubts, I was reminded of the ever-present love of Love Himself.

And really, that's what my Valentine's Day is celebrating.

I'm not in a romantic relationship, but I am in an unconditionally loving one. I may not be pursued and wooed by a guy, but I am by the Prince of Peace. He calls me His Beloved, and He yearns to call you the same (Song of Songs 2:16).

Having an earthly valentine is nice, but having a Heavenly one is a thousand times better.

He pours out His love over us every minute of every day, and we are so undeserving.

And He reminds us of that love, because we so often forget. Through my friend, He reminded me, and now I'll remind you:

You are unconditionally loved and pursued and wanted by the Author of Life and the Maker of the universe and the Savior of the world. He pursues and woos, rescuing us like the Prince that He is.

What a love story; what a Love.

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