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...With Us

I painted this a while ago (like 7 years ago, a while) and did not speak the language I penned. It was Hebrew, a mysterious language, with letters so elegant and painterly... that I just had to use them.

Now, why am I going down this Memory Lane trip?

Because this painting (which, fun fact, I accidently dropped in the grass... instant texture!), is one that I can now read.

You see, when I was in college, I studied Hebrew because I wanted to understand the language of the Old Testament. There's something exciting about being able to read the original Scriptures, to understand the depth and nuance to each word.

It was not an easy course, but I like to think that all the studying and stressing was worth it... because of moments like today.

This painting is one of many that hangs on the wall behind my bed. The wall is filled with my art, so in all honesty, I don't really notice my paintings anymore. They've become a normal part of my room that my eyes quickly gloss over.

Yet for some reason, I decided to look closer. And for some reason, I happened to fixate on this particular painting. The one I don't like, that is quite literally a dropped mess with indistinguishable letters.

But today, I could distinguish them. After a moment's thought, it dawned on me that the characters I had randomly chosen to paint 7 years before were Hebrew.

The first word was אלוהים: "El-oh-heem," God (as you can imagine, that's a highly used word in the Bible).

I won't bore you with the grammatical details, but I realized that the phrase I wrote five years before is this:

God with us.

Even though this "Godincidence" isn't life changing, my wonder is now magnified. And my joy; it is such a blessing to be seen, known, and loved by my Maker.

He knows every hair on our heads and bottles all of our tears (Luke 12:7, Psalm 56:8). No matter how small, each and every detail of our lives is cherished by our Almighty God.

Friends, I wanted to share this little anecdote with you today because, while we may not always feel it, God is always watching, always listening, always loving, always with us.

He is good. We can trust Him always and forever.

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