This week is different, special. Because yesterday was different and oh-so special. In honor of Easter and our Savior's sacrifice, I thought it would be nice to share a poem...
About the beginning. When all was pure. Until it wasn't.
As you read, think about God's master plan, His redemption plan, rescue mission. And thank Jesus, our ultimate Rescuer, for becoming our way home.
Is what I am He says
I used to be Nothing
Enshrouded in darkness
Cool and compact earth
But then He made me
Out of dirt and a figure
Form like mine with a cut in his side
The figure is Adam Man
And I am Eve Woman
He says
And we are His He says
He is Abba Father
The air is sweet in the garden
Like honey Salt Earth
The breeze flows Fresh True
Leaves sway Flowers dance
I dance with them
Birdsong Sunshine Melody
This is Eden He says
We are free Except for one tree
Adam and Eve And Abba
Trinity In the garden We dance
Now we are racing With Abba
Through the trees Dash Laugh
Adam holds my hand Faster
We are in the lead faster
Abba laughs Like gentle thunder
We hop the stream Past Lion
Breathless Giggle faster
The air changes
Cool And crisp Like ripe fruit
Sweeter than honey
It pulls us in
We change our course
Chase desire faster
It is in the distance Towering Proud
Swollen fruits overflow Pull us in
We run Closer Closer Closer
We stand below The great tree
The forbidden tree Frigid wind blows
I shiver in the shadows
We need to leave
But stay mesmerized
Gaze at the fruit above Longing
And I see it Dark Slithering Slimy
Fire eyes lock with mine
I want to look away It taunts Closer
But Abba said—
Closer Taste See Know
Cold wind blows I shiver in delight
Lean in to the shadows
Reach up grasp the fruit Snap
I take a bite
Sweeter than honey
Richer than wine
I thrust the miracle over to Adam
He takes a bite
Closes eyes in ecstasy
I take it back Another bite
And another Another
Beloveds Abba Where have you gone?
The fruit in my mouth rottens
What have I done?
Bitter Sour Mold Vile
I spit it out desperate to get away
Adam does the same
We lock eyes Stare in horror
My stomach heaves I taste bile
Fruit upended In the dirt
My form shakes cold and clammy
Mind races can’t breathe
I want to sink back into the dirt hide
What have I done?
Legs tremble we run through dark
Away from Abba
We hide in the shadows under the trees
Light scatters across our flesh
Bare Exposed I want to cover up
Need to cover up use leaves and flowers
I am not dancing anymore
My flesh is chilled weak insides knotted
I wish I could be Nothing again
He calls Beloveds
Come to Me
But we do not
He finds us Huddling in the dirt
Galaxy eyes stare Despair
Grin gone furrowed brow
My stomach aches I caused this
But still light Love In His eyes
He asks what we have done
We confess
We have disobeyed ate the fruit
We are a mess
I look away sick limbs shaking
Watery eyes watching the dirt
Warm hand under my chin Strength
Pulls me up I let my gaze rise
Lock eyes with Love
There are tears in His eyes too
He turns to Adam Does the same
Abba is huddled Like us In the dirt
He gives us each a hand Firm grip
Warmth rushes through me Pulls me up
We rise
Three in One into Light
Abba says we cannot stay
Sin has come He says
We have sinned.
We have to leave Eden Paradise
I don’t want to
I want to run race dance
Like before
But we are broken now cannot stay
Do not fear He says
That is what I felt that day
Aching trembling lost
Away from Abba
I feel fear often now I do not like it
Do not fear He says
He will make a way a new Way
We will be One again He says
Just wait have faith
He will be with us always forever
To the very end of the age
So we will wait I will wait
Outside of Eden in the dark
I know Abba will carry me home
I wait Trust Pray Praise
His forgiveness is great
I abandoned Him
But He does not abandon me
Forgiven Is what I am
Beloved Is what I am
Is what I am His
Maddie, this poem was amazing!!! You brought this part of Genesis to life. I felt the joy, love, laughter and happiness. And then…..I felt the confusion, the shame, the fear and the sadness. THEN I felt the overwhelming love of God tell them he still loves them.
Thank you for sharing your talents!!!!’